Netdiscover great tool for scaning and watching local network

Netdiscover is a popular network discovery tool that is used in Linux to identify live hosts on a network. It sends ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests to the network and then listens for replies from active hosts. By analyzing the replies, Netdiscover can build a list of all hosts that are currently active on the network.

Netdiscover is typically used by network administrators to identify all devices on a network and to detect any unauthorized devices that may be connected. It can also be used to identify the IP address of a device on a network that is not responding to conventional network scanning techniques.

Netdiscover is a command-line tool and has a range of options that allow it to be customized for specific network environments. For example, it can be set to scan a particular subnet or to use a specific network interface. Additionally, Netdiscover can output its results in a range of formats, including CSV and XML, making it easy to integrate with other tools and applications.

Overall, Netdiscover is a useful tool for network administrators who need to identify all devices on a network and detect any unauthorized devices that may be connected. Its ability to output results in a range of formats and its customizable options make it a versatile and valuable addition to any network security toolkit.

Netdiscover is a great tool to scan your local network for locally attached devices. It is installed by default in Kali Linux. However, if you want to use it on a raspberry pi, you need to install it. You can do this as follows:

In virtualbox I have this setup of network in Kali Linux:

The very use of the tool requires specifying the subnetwork in which we are located. We can check it like this:

In this case, we can scan network, so in netdiscover we can use:

The screen will show the network scanner:

Netdiscover also gives you the option to direct the result to a file, in this case it refreshes the scan every 2 seconds:

Now we can also use nslookup to get hostname:

Also we can use nmap:

You can use more parameters in nmap for more information, however this will significantly increase the scan time. Still, sometimes it’s worth the wait.

Checking SSL certyfikat date using nmap and curl

This time I will use Kali Linux it is a great distro for pentesters. After all, nothing prevents you from using another distribution, such as Debian Linux.

Sometimes we need to check the certificate issuance date. Nmap and curl are a very good tool for this.
Both of these tools allow for advanced analysis of the SSL connection. Let’s try to check the certificate date with nmap:

To be more precise, let’s leave the date and time alone:

Here is the result:

In my experience nmap is a very good tool – however curl is much faster, to use it, do the following:

This is the effect:

It is worth getting acquainted with both tools. Besides checking the date of the certificate, they offer a number of other possibilities.

nmap scaning ciphers and ssl

In debian 11:

Nmap is one of more powerfull tools to scaning network.
We start the installation on debian as root:

and than we can check for example

It’s much slower than sslscan, but result is the same (tls 1.1, 1.2 and tls 1.3).

TLS 1.0:

TLS 1.1:

TLS 1.2:

The most important thing is don’t using vulnerable ciphers, and reading output of nmap, for example in this case:
“64-bit block cipher 3DES vulnerable to SWEET32 attack” – on SWEET32 vulnerability.
When we testing external website available from internet you can use but if we have internal server nmap in this case is very good solution to use.